8 lessons from twenty-8teen

What’s a year without some lessons learned? These are my biggest takeaways, affirmations, and nuggets of wisdom I hope to carry with me in 2019. 8. You may not always know what to say, but being present and being a listener is an act of hospitality. 7. You can’t and won’t please everyone. Sometimes you […]

love & [reflection]

Ya’ll. It’s about to be 2019. Like a year away from 2020. Whoa. Years ago, a couple of best friends showed me the importance of reflecting at the end of seasons, and I haven’t looked back. It’s one of the coolest things! And man, has this year been a year. I have probably cried more […]


So I wrote this thing about a month ago, when the reality of being unemployed truthfully settled in and my emotions surrounding that were at an all time high. Although now, I am employed. I actually start orientation tomorrow, so life came at me fast. But our generation has a tendency to only show the […]


for the simplicity life can offer. for a quiet night in where I can learn how to knit. for the opportunity to start a new show on Netflix. for being able to go out for a drink with my friends. for a car and a parking spot that’s not far. for the fact I can […]

discover the secret

Reading a book called Fresh Brewed Life and an excerpt from this particular chapter is blessing me today: “There is no beauty in makeup. Expensive clothes will not make you beautiful. The secret lies in being an alive, awake woman with something to offer the world. Namely, yourself. Real beauty is less about your actual […]